A Family Approach to Education
What sets Head Start apart from other programs is our holistic approach to education. Not only do parents have a voice in their child’s education, they are also actively involved in day-to-day activities. Furthermore, we seek to ensure our families have what they need to help maximize their child’s path to long-term success. We know that when educators and parents collaborate and support one another, our students will achieve big things. Find a copy of our Head Start and Early Head Start Parent Handbooks here!
Teaching Tools
To enhance parent-student learning time, we’ve implemented a program called Ready Rosie. This fun and interactive software program gives students and parents the ability to work together on learning activities outside of the classroom. Utilizing tablets, students love the interactive educational lessons and games they play with Ready Rosie. Additionally, we’re able to send photos, notes and helpful educational tools to our parents via our Teaching Strategies Family Portal.
Your Voice Matters
Parent input is a huge part of our success. Each of our All-STAR rated centers have a parent committee that meets monthly to discuss everything from lesson plans and volunteer needs to field trips and celebrations. Additionally, one parent representative from each center also serves on Head Start’s Policy Council. Here, members work with Head Start leadership to implement policies that impact all of LKLP’s Head Start centers.
Parent Trainings
Each month, LKLP Head Start hosts optional training sessions to help parents and caregivers sharpen their own life skills. We cover a variety of topics such as budgeting, family nutrition, mental health, age-appropriate discipline techniques and more. Empowering parents to grow in their own abilities trickles down to their children as well.
Fatherhood Engagement
Head Start dads are the best and to prove it, our centers regularly host father-focused events and activities. We strive to create an environment where fathers always feel welcome. From reading times to our month-long March Daddness events, dads play a big role in their child’s education.
Beyond the Classroom
Our holistic approach to education includes extensive support of parents and caregivers. As part of the LKLP family, we’re able to offer a wide range of resources to help families reach their own personal growth goals. This unique advantage has proven to be an effective strategy for creating more stable, happier homes. Here are just a few ways we can help our families thrive.
- Employment
- Education
- Health & Nutrition
- Transportation
- Safety & Well-being
- Parenting Skills