Healthier & Safer Homes
The Weatherization Assistance Program is designed to reduce energy waste, lower utility costs and ensure the health and safety of low-income residents in our region. Utilizing professionally trained crews, technicians can perform an in-depth energy analysis on a home to determine ways to reduce energy consumption and save money on utility bills.
LKLP’s Weatherization team can help qualify individuals and families for the program, resulting in improved overall energy efficiency and quality of life for their clients. Below is a sample list of the various ways the we can provide energy-conservation improvements to a dwelling, allowing the residents to live in a safer and healthier environment while reducing heating and cooling costs.
Energy-Saving Checklist
- Energy consumption analysis
- Heating system inspection and repairs
- Indoor air quality testing
- Door weather stripping
- Insulation
- Caulking windows
- Reduce heat loss
- Seal and insulate duct work
- Safety issues
Weatherization Tips
Watch our short video on ways we can help you reduce home energy costs and create a safer, healthier home.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility for the Weatherization Assistance Program is based on household income up to 200% of the current Poverty Income Guidelines. Applications are assigned a point value. Priority points are given to elderly and disabled applicants and households with small children. Participants are served in order from highest to lowest total point value. Should funding be depleted during any program year, a waitlist will be created until additional funds become available.
How to Apply
Contact the LKLP Outreach Office in your county to apply. The following documents will be required at the time of application.
Required documentation:
- Proof of current income
- Copies of social security cards for all household members
- Copy of deed or mobile home title (available at County Clerk’s Office)
- Copies of current utility bills
- Proof of disability (if applicable)
Please note, renters are also welcome to apply. A landlord will be required to sign documents granting permission to participate in the program and permission to work on the home.